Our little sons want to say a big
"Thank You"
to all of you who sent us donations
to take to Philip Hayden's Shepherd's Field Children's Village.
(And we do, too!)
Shepherd's Field is where our Philip lived happily in China
for three years before we met him.
Families whose children once lived at Shepherd's Field sent donations of shoes,
school supplies, bandaids and such. While a sweet young lady who once lived as
an orphan gave us many hats she personally knitted for children still orphans. A couple
of people from our church even gave us shoes to take to the village.
Only two more days and then Kevin, Philip, Elijah, and I fly across the world.
Our first stop will be to stay at Philip's China home, Shepherd's Field.
We are all pretty excited about that!
Then the next stop will be to receive our Sophia Yilin! She has a little less than a
week until she is an orphan no more!
So very excited for the journey. Follow along at: