Family picture

Family picture

Friday, July 9, 2010

A little bit of this and that

This is what happens when you spend ALL of your "real" nap
time goofing around . . .

Then it turns into this . . .

And you wake up feeling like this . . .

The other day Philip took a very long and peaceful nap in this. . .
Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that his little brother wasn't around, could it??

On more picture from the kickball game . . .
Notice that Philip isn't paying a lick of attention to the game. . .
He was too busy telling one of his coaches something . . .
They have finally caught on to him and gently turn him around to do what he is supposed to be doing - playing kickball.

A very sweet picture of our amazing and wonderful children -
Not biased at all!! :)


Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Your boys are just so darn cute!! All 3 of them! What blessings!!

Pam said...

You sure have some handsome boys, Janet!!!!

living4him5 said...

Precious boys!!! Yep, you need a daughter too!!

Amy <><