I just had a conversation with an old friend a little while ago. This friend is one whom I can be brutally honest with and she can be the same with me and we can still remain friends. :)
Anyway, we were talking about what a difference a year has made in Philip's adjustment and our adjustment. We are all doing so well, and he is a perfect fit to our family. She was marveling at how well it is going now.
Then she mentioned how worried she and others had been about us when we first mentioned we were going to adopt . . . way back in 2006. She laughed and said, "I mean, we were empty nesters too, but we just thought about getting a dog!" I laughed along with her because I knew what she meant.
She wasn't comparing Philip to a dog or as a way to fill an empty nest. She just said that they had been concerned about us. I don't think she was alone! Kevin and I know that many people who cared about us wondered about our sanity and well being when we announced to the world that we just knew God was going to add to our family. Maybe they still do worry! LOL!!
But this I can say while looking backward and gazing forward . . . .
Kevin and I have never been more sure that something is SO RIGHT and someone is SO MEANT for our family as we are about our sons (Ted, Philip, and Eli). Each one is a precious gift of God added in a slightly different and amazing way. They each have an incredible story to tell.
Kevin and I remember how clean, uncluttered, and calm our home was before we added a toddler again. We remember how sweet the walks alone were in our favorite park. We remember our plans for retirement in the near future.
But now, with a home full of little boy's toys and toddler mess, clutter from our two small businesses, a new son joining us soon, a college graduation in the near future, and a general chaos most of the time, we couldn't be more joyful!
And to think that we would have missed out on ALL OF THIS JOY if we had thought in our own human terms instead of God's terms!
We also worried about us being too old to parent young children again, too strapped financially to afford another adoption, and too set in our ways to enjoy life with little ones again,
But after giving it to God and seeing his leading,
This is the life we were supposed to be living.
And what a life!
Joy overflowing,
Happiness unending,
A newness and wonder to life each and every day.
God's ways are so much better than our own thinking! Kevin and I fall on our knees at times thanking God for the privilege of being parents to three precious sons!
Oh my, what a wonderful post! I just LOVE it!
Janet, I think it is an amazing gift to have a friend you know is there for you, without judgement and you know loves you!
Wonderful post, it is amazing what a year will do. We look back at all the trials as well as joys of our last year and we are in ahhhh of where are family is. I couldn't imagine our family without our two beautiful children. We are in ahhh of how much our Heavenly Father loves us to allow us to parent these amazing children.
I can not wait to see your boys all together, what a joyous time that will be. We are praying everyday for news you can bring Eli home!
Hi! I found your blog off of Ann McKinney's and just had to say how thrilled I was to find yet another amazing Christian family who has adopted one of the precious PHF kids. God is answering my prayers!! I have been a PHF sponsor for a couple years now and have also had the privilege to visit Shepherd's Field this summer, and I've fallen completely in love with every single child there. My constant prayer has been that God would raise up Christian families to bring these treasures home, so I just want to say a huge thank you to you guys for doing what you've done and responding to God's call on your lives to adopt. May God richly bless your family!!
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